We receive and answer many questions every day about our payment requests and our messages. Below you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Is your question not listed here? Please feel free to contact our customer service.
Why have I received a payment request?
Van Hoek & Partners is a debt collection agency that supports companies and organizations in collecting unpaid invoices. If you have received a payment request from us, our client has requested us to point out your outstanding invoice and to collect the debt.
How can I pay for my debt?
You have various payment options to pay for your debt:
- i-Deal: If you want to pay via i-Deal, click here to go to our secure payment environment.
- Bank transfer: Would you rather make a payment yourself through a payment transfer? You can then transfer your payment via your online banking environment. Transfer the amount to be paid to our “Stichting Derdengelden Van Hoek & Partners” as stated in our correspondence. Never forget to mention your file number. Do you need help? Please contact us, one of our colleagues will be happy to help you.
- Payment plan: you can make a payment plan for your debt or contact us for further questions regarding how to pay for your debt.
- Cash: The basic principle is that payments take place via the bank. Cash payments are avoided as much as possible. If you want to pay in cash, you can make an appointment with our office in Den Bosch. We always ask you for an explanation of the origin of the cash. In our administration we process that this investigation has taken place and which statement has been issued by you.
Can you automatically collect my debt from my account?
- Direct debit is not possible. You can transfer the amount or pay via i-Deal.
Why is the amount on the collection letter higher than on the reminder?
- When we are called in as a collection agency to settle the debt with you, the outstanding invoice will be increased by the statutory collection costs. This is determined in the law, the Collection Costs Act (WIK).Read more about how the collection costs are calculated here
I cannot pay the amount in one go. Is a payment plan possible?
- In most cases it is possible to make a payment plan to eventually pay in monthly installments. Click here to request a payment plan in My File
Do I have any more debts registered at Van Hoek & Partners?
- You can check your debt(s) in My File. Would you like to know whether you have multiple debts at different creditors? Then it is easier to contact us.
I have received mail that is not intended for me. What now?
- You may receive a payment request at your address, which is addressed to the previous resident. If this is the case, we request that you contact us. To prevent you from receiving multiple payment requests from us, we will adjust your address and check which is the correct address.
I disagree with the collection, can I file an objection?
I have already paid Van Hoek & Partners, but I am still receiving payment requests. What should I do?
- First check whether the payment request you have received concerns the same debt. You may have a new debt outstanding in the meantime.
Is it the same debt but have you already paid in the meantime? Please provide us with your proof of payment here
I have already paid the creditor, but I am still receiving payment requests. What should I do?
- First check whether the payment request you have received concerns the same debt. You may have a new debt outstanding in the meantime.
Is it the same debt but have you already paid in the meantime? Please provide us with your proof of payment here
What happens if I don't pay?
- If you do not pay the debt, the creditor may choose to initiate legal proceedings. In that case, your file will be transferred to the bailiff. You can read more information about this procedure and its possible consequences here.
I have a complaint. Where do I file a complaint?
- We do our best to offer the best services. However, a complaint may arise about our services. If you have a complaint about our services, we would like to hear from you so that we can handle your complaint in accordance with our complaints procedure. We will handle these complaints within a reasonable period and will try to find a solution to your complaint together with you.
IMPORTANT NOTE: a complaint must be about the behavior of our office. However, do you have a complaint about your file or payment obligation? Then you can submit an objection here.
- You can file your complaint here
I have many more debts. I cannot solve this by myself. What should I do?
- If you no longer have control regarding your debts, it is important to take action and ask for help. There is always a solution if you take action on time and get the right help.
- If you have any questions about this, please feel free to call our customer service team. We would be happy to listen and refer you to possible help available to you.
- Take a look at www.samenvoordeoplossing.nl to see what help is available, or to download a free document so that you can better sort out your debts.
Can Van Hoek & Partners help me with my debts?
- We would be happy to work with you to find a suitable solution to settle your debt. Therefore, please contact our customer service by telephone and have your file number ready.
- We understand if you prefer digital contact. Therefore you can send us an email stating your file number and questions
- You can read more here about what we like to do to help as many people as possible with problematic debts.
ABOUT van hoek & partners
Who is Van Hoek & Partners?
- Van Hoek & Partners is a debt collection agency that supports companies and organizations in collecting unpaid invoices. If you have received a payment request from us, our client has requested us to point out your outstanding invoice and to collect the debt. We like to focus on what is possible in a file, in order to find a suitable solution for the debt together with you.
How do I know that a payment request really comes from Van Hoek & Partners?
- Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly common for criminals to send a payment request for a fabricated outstanding amount on behalf of an existing company, a so-called phishing email. This can also be done on behalf of a collection agency such as Van Hoek & Partners. It is therefore important that you first check whether the payment request has actually come from us before you respond to it or make a payment.
Do you doubt the authenticity of the received message? Then we recommend that you always contact us first on telephone number 073-643 04 08.
What can I do with My File?
- In My File you can easily arrange matters online regarding your debt with Van Hoek & Partners. For example, you can make a payment plan, submit a proof of payment or objection, or pay immediately.Click here to go directly to My File
How can I reach Van Hoek & Partners?
- You can reach us from Monday to Friday between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM on telephone number 073-643 04 08.
- You can also send an email to info@vanhoek-partners.nl
Need help?
Telephone number
073-643 04 08
Van Hoek & Partners Group
Postbus 3469 5203 DL ’s-Hertogenbosch
Reitscheweg 7 5232 BX ’s-Hertogenbosch
Opening hours
Monday 09:00-17:00
Tuesday 09:00-17:00
Wednesday 09:00-17:00
Thursday 09:00-17:00
Friday 09:00-17:00
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Van Hoek & Partners Incassoservices is registered in the collection register under registration reference 00026
Our office is registered and affiliated with the Dutch Association for Statutory Collection Service Providers, quality mark NowID