Van Hoek & Partners is a debt collection agency that supports companies and organizations in collecting unpaid invoices. If you have received a payment request from us, our client has requested us to point out your outstanding invoice and to collect the debt.



Therefore, make sure that you take action directly. Pay directly with i-Deal


Are you unable to pay the outstanding amount directly? Please apply for a payment plan for your debt. Go to My File to resolve your debt. Do you need help? Please contact our team. We are ready to help you.



Are you unable to pay the outstanding amount immediately? Or is it impossible to pay the debt in 1 payment? In both cases you can apply for a payment plan. You can submit a request for a payment plan (or postponement until a certain date) via My File. We will update you about whether a payment plan is possible for your debt and how to resolve your debt.

We would like to help you resolve your debt. We can contact you about your debt file. We can only get in touch with you regarding your payment plan if we have your correct contact details. It is therefore important that you check your contact details when requesting a payment plan.

You have various payment options to settle your debt

i-Deal: If you want to pay via i-Deal, click here to go to our secure payment environment.
Bank transfer: Would you rather make a payment yourself through a payment transfer? You can then transfer your payment via your online banking environment. Transfer the amount to be paid to our “Stichting Derdengelden Van Hoek & Partners” as stated in our correspondence. Never forget to mention your file number. Do you need help? Please contact us, one of our colleagues will be happy to help you.
Cash: The basic principle is that payments take place via the bank. Cash payments are avoided as much as possible. If you want to pay in cash, you can make an appointment with our office in Den Bosch. We always ask you for an explanation of the origin of the cash. In our administration we process that this investigation has taken place and which statement has been issued by you.

The creditor has previously asked you to make a payment for an amount owed, without the collection costs. If you still do not pay, the creditor will hand over the claim to a debt collection agency such as Van Hoek & Partners. You will then receive payment requests again on behalf of the creditor, so that the debt is ultimately paid. The creditor or the collection agency will give you at least once a 14-day period to pay the outstanding amount without the collection costs.* If you still do not pay, you must pay statutory collection costs. These collection costs are determined by law in the Collection Costs Act and the Reimbursement of Collection Costs Decree (Wet Incassokosten & Besluit Vergoeding Incassokosten 2024).

*This only applies if the debtor is a private individual. The 14-day letter does not apply to a business debtor like an organization or company

The determined collection costs are based on the law Wet Incassokosten (Collection Costs Act). This law describes the amount of collection costs that are due if you have not made one or more payments (on time). This depends on the amount of the original outstanding amount. Since October 1st 2024, a cumulation calculation has applied for statutory debt collection costs. From now on, we will also take in consideration how often you have missed a new payment (of less than EUR 266.67) in the previous 6 months, with the same creditor for the same service or product. If that is the case, the debt collection costs for the new debt within those 6 months will be lower than the collection costs of the 1st debt incurred.

It is also examined whether the creditor is liable for VAT and whether the debtor is an organization or a private individual or person. For more information about the legislation on collection costs, we refer you to the WIK (Collection Costs Act / Wet Incassokosten) and to the BIK (Reimbursement for Extrajudicial Collection Costs Decree 2024/ Besluit Vergoeding Incassokosten 2024).

If you do not pay the claim, the creditor may choose to initiate legal proceedings. In that case, your file will be transferred to the bailiff. You can read more information about this procedure and its possible consequences here.


You have no obligation to speak to a debt collection service provider or to allow her into your own home. You may terminate the conversation with a collection service provider at any time. Ending a conversation may have consequences (read: what happens if I don’t pay?). It is important that you find a solution to settle your debt together with a collection service provider.

Do you disagree with the amount originally owed? Or do you believe that you have been wrongly charged because you had already paid the invoice in the meantime? It may sometimes happen that your payment to our client and his order to our office have crossed each other.

You can report this via My file. We would like to help you resolve your debt. We can contact you about your debt file. We can only get in touch with you if we have your correct contact details. It is therefore important that you check your contact details when requesting a payment plan or when you file an objection.



Would you like to file an objection regarding your file? The quickest way to submit your objection is via My File. You will receive confirmation of receipt of your objection within 24 hours. This means that your objection has been received in good order by our office. One of ourobjection officers will then process your objection and start an investigation into your file. The processing period is a maximum of 6 weeks after receipt, depending on your objection and the possibilities within your debt file. We would like to stay in touch with you about this. It is therefore important that you carefully check your contact details for accuracy. You can submit your objection here.


We only register data that is necessary to process your objection, insofar as this data is not known in your file to which your objection is linked. We would like to stay in touch with you about your objection. It is therefore important that you carefully check your contact details for accuracy. You can submit yours here.


Do you disagree with the way your objection was handled? Then you can take your complaint to the independent dispute committee via, to which our office is affiliated. The Disputes Committee will only handle an objection or complaint regarding the procedure and handling of your previous objection or complaint to our office. A dispute committee will not handle any objection or complaint about the contents of your debt file or your debt payment obligation. You usually have to pay an amount in advance to a dispute committee so that they can process your objection or complaint. It is therefore important that you first try to resolve the matter with our office and your creditor.

You can submit your complaint here regarding our handling of your earlier submitted objection.

Read more information about the dispute settlement procedure here.


Are you currently getting help with your debts? Then it is best to have your debt counselor or administrator contact us about your file.

It is important that you provide your file number so that we can find a solution in your file together with you and your debt counselor.


Ik heb meer schulden. kan ik hulp krijgen?

If you cannot find a solution yourself, do not wait too long to contact a debt counselor. You can usually get in touch with a debt counselor through your municipality. Most municipalities engage specialists in the field of debt assistance for this purpose. Examples of this are the municipal credit bank (gemeentelijke kredietbank) and/or social services. You can see what help is available via the government website if you have trouble with paying your bills. You can find more information from the central government here.



An initiative that we would like to take is to provide as much information as possible and point out the possible help you can get if you have debts that you can no longer resolve yourself. For this purpose we have launched the website Here you will find tips and advice and where you can get help with arranging your debts.


We are here to support you. Together we can work on a solution. If you need additional support or professional help, we recommend that you contact one of the following organizations:

If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, help is available. The Foundation for Suicide Prevention offers 24/7 support via telephone number 113. Do not hesitate to contact them via their website or call 0800-0113 for free. Please do not hesitate to contact them, there is always a solution.


17-06-2024: False email in circulation on behalf of Zalando / Van Hoek & Partners. This message is fake and does not come from us. The scammers email from and ask people to transfer an amount to their own Revolut bank account number within 1 day. When you have received this e-mail, we request that you forward the e-mail to us and report it to your e-mail provider as spam. Find out what else you can do at


Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly common for criminals to send a payment request for a fabricated outstanding amount on behalf of an existing company, a so-called phishing email. This can also be done on behalf of a collection agency such as Van Hoek & Partners. It is therefore important that you first check whether the payment request has actually come from us before you respond to it or make a payment. Do you doubt the authenticity of the received message? Then we recommend that you always contact us first on telephone number 073-643 04 08.

Therefore, never just click on payment links if your feeling tells you that the message is not real. The consumer association has a number of tips and examples. You can check a shortened link via without visiting the underlying page.


1- Check the account number

Criminals use their own account number for their fake payment requests. Therefore, always first check the account number with our account number. If this is not the case, the message is not from us. Do not respond or transfer money. You can always call us to be sure.

2- Log in to My file

We have a secure portal where you can log in with your username and password. This way you can view more information in the portal and, for example, make payment arrangements in your file. If you have not received login details in the received payment request, or you cannot log in with it, the message is most likely fake. This also includes when you see other unknown data in your file. If this is the case, the message is not from us. Do not respond or transfer money. You can always call us to be sure.

3- Time of the message sent

In accordance with the law, we do not send payment requests between 8:00 PM and 8:00 AM, or during weekends or public holidays. If you receive a payment request at one of these times, the message will not come from us. Do not respond or transfer money. You can always call us to be sure.

4- File number and telephone number

We always state your 6-digit file number and our telephone number where you can call us back. Moreover, you always get enough time to respond, and the email is written without errors.


Have you received a payment request in the name of Van Hoek & Partners, which you suspect is from scammers? Or does the payment request not meet one of the above authenthicity checks? We request that you let us know by sending us a message or calling us at telephone number 073-6430408. This way we can report this and warn people about the fake emails.

Check our website, but also on to check whether the message has already been reported. If this is the case, do not respond to the payment request and report it to us again. Find out what you can do at so that other people can be warned.

Have you paid something based on a phishing email? Then immediately report it to the police.

Van Hoek & Partners Group

Postbus 3469

5203 DL ’s-Hertogenbosch


073-643 04 08 (for debtors only)


Opening hours

Monday 09:00-17:00

Tuesday 09:00-17:00

Wednesday 09:00-17:00

Thursday 09:00-17:00

Friday 09:00-17:00

Van Hoek & Partners Group

Reitscheweg 7-C

5232 BX ’s-Hertogenbosch


Customers that don’t pay and no longer respond to your notifications and reminders. We see this happening to our clients on a daily basis. What is the next step? That is where we step in. We are a reliable debt collection agency with almost 20 years of experience. We focus on collecting debts with respect for your customer, so that you can maintain your relation with your customers.

YOU PARTNER in credit management


Our office has been in existence for almost 20 years. We use this experience to estimate as accurately as possible which strategy is best to get your invoices paid. For example, we see that it is not always the customer’s unwillingness not to pay for something. In some cases the customer simply just cannot pay. We manage many different types of debt files and know that the solution is not the same for every debt file. Nowadays, collecting a debt requires customization. Talking and listening to the debtor is very important in order to find a suitable solution together to ultimately settle the debt.


It is of great social importance to look into each file to find out what is possible in a file. Together we prevent someone from getting even higher debts. This will increase the chance that multiple payments will be made on time from now on. Not every situation is the same and we know that. Collecting with respect for your customer therefore requires a custom approach. This not only ensures a debtor pays its debt, but it certainly makes it easier for you as the creditor to maintain the customer relationship with the debtor. This is something that most collecting agencies do not take into account.


According to the Dutch law WIK (Collection Costs Act / Wet Incassokosten), a reminder must meet certain legal requirements when the debtor is a private individual. It is no longer self-evident that you can bill the debtor certain costs if the debtor has been notified incorrectly regarding an outstanding claim or unpaid invoice.

We will provide your organization with a reminder that meet these requirements and in accordance with the WIK so that you can be sure that this is done correctly. This also saves you time and our writing ensures that a debtor makes a payment more quickly.


After the reminder, a collection process follows in which we contact the debtor in various ways for a solution. In some cases, the debtor can apply for a payment plan so that the debt can be paid off in agreed installments.


Van Hoek & Partners is a debt collection agency with almost 20 years of experience. Our office offers appropriate advice for every issue and supports you as a client in every phase of your debt management. We also provide support when it comes to setting up your (preliminary) invoicing process. This means that one of our advisors will examine your current invoicing process and look at things you might can change to get a better response and receive more payments. Your advantage is that you already achieve better results before you outsource a debt file to our office. Your second advantage is that the advisor ensures that our follow-up fits seamlessly with your own preliminary invoicing process. These benefits combined with an (API) connection or frequent delivery of your debtors ensure that you achieve more payments and spend less time on debtor management.

We are also happy to use our experience to advice you when it comes to legal advice if a collection process did not succeed.

Do you need advice or do you not yet fully understand how a debt collection process works? Please contact our office.


Getting invoices paid on time is essential to a company’s cash flow. But how do you ensure that your business relations pay on time?


A determining factor is taking a critical look at your current (preliminary) invoicing process. We see that most companies have at some point created a number of letters and reminders that are sent as standard. But what do your reminders actually look like and has it ever been measured what percentage of debtors respond to those letters and reminders? There is also a commercial factor involved in drafting the letters, namely that the relationship is maintained despite repeated requests sent to your customer to make the payment. The tone and design of the letters or e-mails used are therefore essential and should match the vision and image of your company.


With nearly 20 years of experience, we offer the opportunity to scan your entire preliminary invoicing process. A complete scan of your e-mails, letters and steps to completely examine the current setup compared to the results. By measuring your current process, we can advise on what is best for your company to get maximum debt collection results. Contact one of our advisors or plan a meeting at your location.


Not every debt is the same, every debt file therefore requires a personal approach to find a suitable solution for both debtor and creditor. To ensure the quality of our services, our staff is therefore periodically trained and instructed.

One of our partners is the SVI certification office. They provide staff training for our team and check whether our office collects and communicates in accordance with socially responsible guidelines.




Our team is educated and trained to provide the best assistance in every debt file, aimed at a joint solution for both debtor and creditor. The theme of the training is focused on collecting with respect for your customer and on socially responsible debt collection and what this entails, for example in a communicative sense.








Van Hoek & Partners is affiliated with the Dutch Association for Statutory Debt Collection Service Providers: NowID.

Our office hereby commits to quality requirements, social standards and to being compliant with all laws regarding debt collection. Together with NowID, we also offer debtors the possibility to file a complaint at a dispute committee after they disagree with our handling of a complaint or objection regarding their file(s).



Customers who do not pay and no longer respond. We regularly see that the payment is not made despite sending various reminders and notifications. The next step is a debt collection process. That is where Van Hoek & Partners steps in.


Van Hoek & Partners is a debt collection agency that has almost 20 years of experience in successfully collecting invoices for its clients. Our compensation is also often based on the statutory collection costs that must be reimbursed by the debtor, as determined in the Collection Costs Act and BIK 2024. This means that you have little risk or costs in advance to collect a claim.

We also believe in our collaboration with you as a client. Our office therefore does not use fixed contracts, subscription costs or a minimum number of debt files to be submitted per year. You can also use our services for 1 file if it appears that just one invoice is not paid.


Request a no-obligation consultation so that we can advise you on the best strategy to get your invoices paid. You can leave your details via the contact form. One of our advisors will then contact you within 1 business day.

Or you can reach us directly via telephone number 073-643 00 00.

  • Dit veld is bedoeld voor validatiedoeleinden en moet niet worden gewijzigd.



Not every debt is problematic. Yet having debt is never pleasant. It causes stress and if one does not take action in time, other debts may arise. It is therefore important to take action on time and stay in contact with a creditor or collection agency.


Perhaps just as challenging is not getting paid for a service provided or product delivered. Especially because the creditor has also his own bills to pay, like for example salary obligations towards its staff, suppliers and other invoices that have to be paid on time. Perhaps this is something that not everyone realises. This can put considerable pressure on the creditor’s liquidity. A debt collection agency such as Van Hoek & Partners therefore serves a social function, in which finding a suitable solution for arranging debts is central.

SVDO # samenvoordeoplossing (Together for the soultion)

During the many conversations we have with debtors, we notice that they often do not know where to turn when they need help with paying off their debts.

We believe it is important that people take action quickly, we have launched the website With this initiative we try to refer as many debtors as possible to the available help they can get with their debts. On the website, debtors may find helpful tools which are free for download.

We also believe it is very important that we help and inform as many people as possible. Together we can solve and achieve so much more. The use of the website and its downloads is therefore free and without obligations.




Please contact us if you need extra help with resolving your debts. We have a team of experts, ready to help you with your debts. You can contact us by telephone number 073-6430408 of send us an e-mail: info@vanhoek-partners. Please mention your file number in your e-mail message.


Trees for All has been committed to a wooded world for 25 years. They plant trees in the Netherlands and abroad through various forest projects. They also make people aware of the importance of trees.

Trees play a crucial role in combating climate change and the loss of biodiversity. Moreover, without trees there is no life. That is why they work every day for a wooded world. They plant new forests, restore existing forests and make people aware of the importance of trees. They do this on the other side of the world, but also close to home. In this way we work together towards a better climate, more biodiversity and healthy living conditions for everyone.



Van Hoek & Partners is happy to donate an annual contribution to Trees for All to plant trees and thus contribute to a better climate. This year’s contribution will benefit the creation of new forests and the restoration of diseased forests in the Netherlands. Abroad, the contribution will be used this year to plant trees in Sulawesi (Indonesia) to transform monotonous grassland into tropical rainforest. Dozens of animal species live in the rainforest that are found nowhere else in the world. Unfortunately, about 80% of their habitat has been rapidly deforested. Trees for All restores this unique ecosystem, which also benefits the local population.

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Our office is affiliated with the Dutch Association for Statutory Collection Service Providers:  NowID

Our Terms and Conditions apply on all of our services.